Fuel Filter Service in Centerton, Arkansas
August 25, 2024
There are a surprising number of small, inexpensive parts that can lead to expensive engine damage when they fail. It doesn't seem right.Fortunately a lot of those things can be taken care of in routine maintenance. They may not be easy to remember because it is a long list, but your service cent... More

It Is Time to Check Your Intervals
August 18, 2024
Part of the engineering that goes into designing a vehicle is testing the components to ensure that they meet durability and safety standards. Because of this, manufacturers have a good idea as to how long the parts in your vehicle will last under normal driving conditions. For this reason, they... More

Wheel Balancing at Star Lube Centerton
August 11, 2024
So you love your job, and your family life is great. Congratulations! You have achieved balance. But can you say the same for your wheels? Centerton drivers can tell if their tires are out of balance by vibrations at higher speeds on Arkansas roads. If one of the front tires is out, you feel the... More

I Want a New Vehicle. Or Do I? (Vehicle Maintenance Payoffs)
August 4, 2024
Spring is a peak season for vehicle sales; companies aggressively market new models and offer all sorts of incentives. So you may be tempted to buy a shiny new beauty. But should you? If you've regularly maintained the vehicle you're driving now, you probably don't NEED a new one. Even if your... More